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Repurposing Pharmaceutical Drugs for the Treatment of Mental Disorders


The multifactorial nature of the etiology of mental disorders and the imperfections in diagnostic approaches hinder the development of more effective medications. The repurposing of previously approved therapeutic agents is one of the promising approaches in the search for new treatments for mental disorders. This is related to the fact that, firstly, this approach is less resource- and economically costly compared to other approaches to drug development. Secondly, the methods used to identify drug candidates for repurposing are highly diverse and cover various aspects of the pathogenesis of mental disorders. Research in the field of drug repurposing can improve the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development of mental pathology while helping to optimize therapeutic and preventive approaches to the treatment of patients with this group of disorders. In this review, the diversity of approaches to drug repurposing is briefly characterized, with a focus on in silico methods. In addition, examples of successful cases of drug repurposing in psychiatry are provided.


drug repurposing in psychiatry, main approaches to repurposing, drug targets, genetic studies

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