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Virtual Reality for Relaxation: Types and Factors of Efficiency


Background. Although there is an increasing number of studies exploring virtual reality (VR) tools for relaxation in practice, there is a shortage of methodological and theoretical guidelines for the development of such programs and a gap in understanding of the mechanisms of their effectiveness in general.
Aims: (i) to consider the psychological mechanisms of VR relaxation and describe factors of the virtual environment and scenario that contribute to its effectiveness, and (ii) to study the effectiveness of a short-term course of VR relaxation based on the indicated methodological premises concerning anxiety, asthenia and other parameters of well-being in three groups of patients and healthy participants as compared to the control group.
Methods. (i) The key psychological mechanism of therapeutic VR and subtypes of VR instruments based on it are identified. The factors of relaxation efficiency in VR that were implemented in developing the Flow application are analyzed and specified. (ii) The course of five daily relaxation sessions in VR was attended by patients of the somatic hospital (group 1), patients diagnosed with obesity (2) and healthy subjects (3) (123 people in total); 20 patients of the somatic hospital were included into the control group (4). State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; the Fatigue Symptom Rating Scale; the Well-being, Activity, Mood questionnaire; and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale were used as the assessment scales. Statistical methods were used.
Results. The main types of VR applications for relaxation are described, as well as the factors of their effectiveness, such as specific characteristics of the VR environment and the scenario that promotes relaxation. In the empirical part of the study, the data of 143 participants were analyzed. Positive changes have been noted after the completion of the first VR session, the whole course of VR therapy and a few days after the course in all experimental groups, whereas the condition of patients did not change in the control group.
Conclusion. Described application for VR relaxation is a promising tool for somatic patients and healthy users, showing signs of anxiety and asthenia.


virtual reality methodology, inpatient treatment, obesity, comorbid mental symptoms, nonpharmacological therapy

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