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Therapy of Depression Using Virtual Reality Technologies


Currently, virtual reality (VR) has the potential to become an effective tool for the development of new approaches to the treatment of depression and studying its mechanisms. Depression therapy in VR conditions can be adapted for different groups of patients due to the possibility of setting parameters for each individual case. To date, there are convincing data in the literature confirming the antidepressant effect of VR therapy in various groups of patients: postpartum, adolescent and elderly, as well as somatically comorbid patients, including those who have suffered a stroke and other neurological conditions. Existing VR therapy methods include Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET), VR games and psychoeducation using cognitive behavioral therapy in a virtual environment. One of the key features of VR therapy is a small list of contraindications and relative simplicity of use, which allows patients to conduct sessions at home. Moreover, VR therapy improves the emotional background of patients due to the possibility to increase the physical activity of patients. Despite some disadvantages, such as the high cost of equipment, technical difficulties and training requirements, VR therapy is a promising tool for the treatment of depression. At this stage, the introduction of VR devices into clinical practice faces the problem with lack of evidence, particularly the deficit of large-scale high-level studies. To do this, it is necessary to make VR therapy more accessible and provide more information resources for both patients and medical staff. The development and distribution of VR technologies will increase the magnitude of further research, investment and training in order to realize the potential of VR therapy in clinical practice.


depression, virtual reality, psychotherapy, VR therapy

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