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Efficacy of Neurometabolic Therapy in Pre-Dementia Cognitive Impairment in 1st-degree Relatives of Patients with Alzheimers Disease: A Three-Year Prospective Study


The aim of the study was to compare the effect of long-term effects of repeated courses of neurometabolic therapy (choline alfoscerate, citicoline, and actovegin) on cognitive performance in patients with minimal cognitive dysfunction (MCI) and mild cognitive decline (MCD) in first-degree relatives of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Study participants. The cohort included 198 first-degree relatives of AD patients, 134 of them with MСD (67.7 %) and with MCI 64 people (32.3 %) (Mild cognitive impairment ICD-11 rubric 6D71). Methods: a prospective open comparative study of the effectiveness of three-month oral therapy with choline alfoscerate, citicoline or actovegin, used in repeated courses every 1.5 years (3 courses in total) in groups of relatives with MCD and MCI. The following scales and tests were used for psychometric assessment: Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) subscale; Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA); test of arbitrary memorization of 10 words; Boston naming test (BNT); subtest 6 of the Wechsler Memory ScaleRevised, WMS-R, subtest 6; Clock Drawing Test (CDT); memorization test of 5 geometric shapes; Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT); subtest “sound” and “categorical” associations (Mattis Dementia Rating Scale: Verbal fluency – DRS) and H. Munsterberg Test. A total of 6 visits were carried out during which cognitive functioning was assessed: before the start of the 1st course of therapy and after its completion (day 0 and 3 months), before and after the end of the 2nd course (18 and 21 months), and before and after the end of the 3rd course (36 and 39 months). Results. According to the CGI-I subscale, in MCD compared with MCI, by the end of all courses of therapy, a three times more frequent pronounced and moderate improvement was observed (88.1 and 28.1 %, respectively), and in no case was there a deterioration in the condition. In MCD and MCI, there was a significant improvement in most scales and tests (12 out of 13) of the initial mean group scores after each course of different types of therapy (p < 0.05). The exception was the clock drawing test in MСD, the baseline scores for which did not change significantly after each treatment session, due to the high baseline score close to the maximum. Compared with the MCI, with MCD on 2 scales and 7 tests (out of 13), by the end of each course of therapy, a significant increase in the mean group scores was found compared to the baseline scores. Conclusion. Repeated courses of neurometabolic therapy (with a frequency of 1.5 years) can prevent the growth of cognitive deficit and slow down the development of dementia in first-degree relatives of AD patients with clinically diagnosed pre-dementia cognitive disorders and become the basis for the introduction of a method of neurometabolic therapy (using one or different investigational drugs) into a program for the prevention of dementia due to AD in individuals at high risk for this disease. .


Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive decline syndrome, minimal cognitive dysfunction, first-degree relatives of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, therapy, choline alfoscerate, citicoline, actovegin

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