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Third-generation antipsychotic cariprazine as a promising drug for the treatment of depressive disorders


Cariprazine is currently approved for the treatment of patients with depressive and mixed episodes of Bipolar I disorder. Several randomized controlled trials have been carried to investigate its efficacy in patients with major depressive disorder. This review summarizes the potential benefits of Cariprazine for the treatment of major symptoms of Bipolar I disorder and major depressive disorder considering its pharmacodynamic properties, efficacy and tolerance. Its preferential affinity for the D3 receptor, with functional selectivity according to the predominant neural environment, contributes to its efficacy in a wide range of psychopathological symptoms (including mood disorder, anhedonia and cognitive impairment), high safety and good tolerance.


cariprazine, unipolar depressive disorder, bipolar affective disorder, third-generation antipsychotics, pathogenesis

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