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A literature review was conducted in the PubMed and Google databases. Key words were used: psychotic depression, depression with psychotic features, treatment of psychotic depression. Inclusion criteria: randomized clinical trials (RCTs), meta-analyses and systematic reviews, relevant full-text articles on psychotic depression. Exclusion Criteria: Low quality articles. The terminology of the article corresponds to that used in the publications included in the review. An analysis of publications has shown that psychotic depression is an evolving concept, remains a serious condition, accompanied by high (up to 40% over 15 years) mortality, suicidal risk, difficulty in diagnosis and complexity of therapy. Fluvoxamine monotherapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for psychotic depression. The drug can be considered as an antidepressant of the first choice for the treatment of depression with delusions from the SSRI group. The effect of fluvoxamine on delirium is associated with its high affinity for Sigma-1 receptors.


psychotic depression, epidemiology, diagnostics, therapy, fluvoxamine

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