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Comorbidity of Alcohol Dependence and Depression: Severities and Singularities of Thera


Depression occurs in 25–40 % of patients with alcohol dependence (AD). Despite the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy with separately existing AD and depression, the use of drugs in
comorbid pathology has not been adequately tested and is being actively studied. The variability of the effect of pharmacological agents on 45–75 % is due to genetic factors. SSRIs remain
drugs of the first line and in the treatment of patients with comorbid AD and depression. When combined with drugs that block the desire for alcohol, SSRIs increase the overall effectiveness
of pharmacotherapy. Pharmacotherapy should be conducted within the framework of complex treatment, which must necessarily include psychotherapy. The use of the pharmacogenetic
approach can provide new opportunities for improving the selection and tolerability of pharmacotherapy and improving the quality of life of patients. To search for scientific and medical
information, we used PubMed and eLIBRARY.RU electronic libraries with the use of filters and keywords. Data from systematic reviews, metaManalyzes and randomized clinical trials over
the past 20 years were reviewe


alcohol dependen, depressin, comorbidity, , pharmacotherapy, pharmacogenetics

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